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BFPS wants to gather all information that is relevant for the (professional) development of Belgian psychology students and present it in a pleasing way.
In this section you can find information about the organisational landscape of the main psychological domains in Belgium.

Learn some more about all the Belgian professional organisations and student organisations. We are partnered with a couple of the professional and student organisations.


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Information For Psychology Students: News


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The Belgian Federation for Psychologists is a professional association for all masters in psychology. The BFP-FPB aims to spread and facilitate knowledge of psychological science in the society as well as to protect the needs of professional psychologists and their clients in Belgium. The BFP-FPB assures quality of its members and represents their members in the government for example.


The UPPCF's main purpose is to study, protect and develop the professional interests of clinical psychologists in the Walloon region of Belgium. It was set up following the law "regulating the professions of mental health care" (RD of 04/04/2014). This law provides the establishment of a Federal Council for Clinical Psychology. It is important to have a professional union that is easily identifiable and sufficiently representative for the competent authorities. Since July 2017, the UPPCF has sent representatives to the Federal Council. Thus, it represents its members before the public authorities and advisory bodies in the health sector.



VVKP is the scientific and professional federation of clinical psychologists in Flanders. They represent more than 2500 clinical psychologists: students, researchers and working clinical psychologists. Their mission is to represent your interests! By integrating clinical psychologists in a autonome and worthy way into health-care, they want to make psychological interventions more accessible for the population. They bundle useful information for psychology students on their website.


The ambition of APTO is to bring together psychologists and people working in the sectors of human resources or consulting for companies and organizations. They want to unite them through training, recruitment, guidance and career development, prevention and protection at work, ... They welcome people who are interested in methods or scientific research about the approach of organizational psychology and people who want to collaborate in the topic of ‘better integration of the person in the workplace’.
The aim of the APTO is to organize activities such as working groups, conferences, thematic days or others in order to allow its members to deepen their knowledge in this field. By welcoming a trainer, a consultant, a researcher or a professor, members can obtain an inventory on a certain topic. It is through these exchanges that APTO wants their members to develop their knowledge and challenge their practices.



VOCAP adresses psychologists and all professionals that are connected to the organizational and human side of the company. They build a bridge between scientifical insights, the reality of the working field and between colleges mutually. Their mission is to support and promote all occupational and organizational psychologists in the development of balanced humans, teams and organizations. You can become a member of VOCAP for free if you’re a student.


The Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences seeks to unite all those interested in the development of psychological sciences and in its applications in Belgium. Its goals are:

  • Facilitating contacts between researchers in Belgium

  • Providing incentives for researchers in Belgium at different stages in their career,

  • Providing an outlet for psychological research in Belgium

  • Representing the values and goals of Belgian psychological scientists at the Belgian, European, and World level

  • Membership at minimal cost with many benefits



The association aims to promote the quality of school psychological work in Flanders. The concrete goals of the association are the following:

  • Increasing expertise within the domain of school psychology, among other things by organizing training.

  • Informing its members about publications and current initiatives through the B.F.P. magazine Psycho-Logos as well as through its own newsletter “vvsP-magazine”, an e-mail magazine with school psychological news for VVSP members.

  • To represent and defend our professional interests, as well as the socio-economic and moral interests of psychologists.

  • Foster a spirit of collegiality among members and promote professional contacts and exchanges between our members.

  • Supporting our members in a deontological and legal field, including through the BFP.

  • Supporting school psychology both as a science and in its applications

Information For Psychology Students: Programs
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